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Sunday, April 09, 2006


Here's what I've been up to game-wise:

-Not enough. For some reason, even though I have more spare time, I've been wasting it on the computer when I could be playing games. Internet addiction for the lose.

-Not Nightmare of Druaga. I picked this up last week because a) based on the arcade roots of the Druaga series, I expected a slower-paced Gauntlet type of dungeon action-RPG, b) the boxart looks awesome, and c) it was $1.96. Then when I got home and started reading about the game, I discovered that it is a strategy-heavy turn-based "Roguelike" RPG that mimics old ASCII-based computer games. It may be fun, or it may be incredibly tedious. I haven't gotten up the courage to try it yet.

-Metal Gear Online briefly. Afraid of letting a team down by being a total n00b (or worse, not even knowing where to go in a sneaking/capture mission) I tried some deathmatch. Playing a deathmatch in Metal Gear is so weird because, since guys are running around shooting you in the face constantly, and since they have the same camera system you do, stealth is impossible. I'm going to keep playing to figure out the maps and such before I try a sneaking mission (one player as Snake vs. seven others).


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