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Saturday, October 28, 2006


THQ is making up for Wayne's World

...by sending me Destroy All Humans 2, which by all accounts is less of a bleeding scab on the face of human civilization, and more of a 'pretty good game.'

They had a "Destroy All Competition" contest wherein gaming forums competed against each other to encourage the most members to submit alien-related pictures from the web. GAF routed the competition, and as a contributing member (I submitted like 5 pictures, mostly of Ulala and Ultraman). And, as a result of our seconds of "work," we all get free copies of the game! Mine is earmarked for Zack, who was a huge Mercenaries fan and someone I'm really happy to be able to send a free game to.

Oh, and THQ: you blowjobs still have to answer for NES Where's Waldo.


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