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Saturday, October 28, 2006


Silent Hill 3 "You're Not Here" video

I didn't have a blog or an interest in Silent Hill when this originally came out, so it's new to me. If you want to skip it or complain about old content, then of course, you have that right as a hypothetical audience member.

Anyway, it's a video created by the Silent Hill team that features Silent Hill 3's protagonist, Heather, lip-syncing to the song "You're Not Here" from the same game. Two things stick out about this video, for me:
  1. The song is totally great. Not just "great for a song on a video game soundtrack," but "great for me to hear in any or no context."

  2. While technically quite impressive, Heather's lip-sync animations are unintentionally hell of freaky. I guess Silent Hill can't help it. All Silent Hill knows is scarin'! Of course, that might change in the brave new era of "outsourced PSP prequels that rip-off Resident Evil 4's controls and perspective." But who knows? Maybe there really is nothing scarier than a dude's right shoulder!

YouTube link


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