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Monday, October 30, 2006


Amazing Metal Gear Solid... uh... gear

eBay seller pyhod000, who I guess must be Hideo Kojima (or someone with a key to Hideo Kojima's house), is selling the most amazing Metal Gear Solid-related stuff I have ever seen. I have never even heard of a lot of this stuff, but I obviously need all of it, and always have. Some of the stuff that's causing Tactical Envy of Auction:

Metal Gear Solid wine given to Japanese shareholders after the release of the first MGS.
A special version of MGS3, again, given only to shareholders. Holy fuck. Can love bloom on the eBay auction listing? I guess it's just the Japanese version with the bad US boxart. Still, it's so... limited!

A promotional poster for MGS2 featuring Gackt holding a baby. Okay, I don't actually want this one. But it just serves as proof that the marketing for the game matched the content in that it made no damn sense. (There are a lot of non-Gacktacular posters, like this probably-fairly-common one, that I would love to have on my wall.)

This Metal Gear Solid lighter that I'm pretty sure is identical to one I could get elsewhere, but this one's almost 10 years old and from a trade show and has the logo of a video game I liked a lot, so obviously it's the best choice for lighting those cigarettes I don't smoke. And I could dump my nonexistent thought-ash into this handy Metal Gear Solid portable ashtray!

[via GameSetWatch]


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